Exploration and Creativity / Health

Why You Should Read Positive Literature Before Sleeping

Read positive literature

Why Should We Read Books?

Reading a book before dozing off has been an asleep ritual for ages now. But does it help you sleep, or is it just an addiction like any other?

Let us find out why to read positive literature.

Research suggests that reading uplifting books before bed might be very beneficial. 

Why Should We Read Different Types Of Literature Books? 

read positive literature

1. Eases your Troubles

Since it is one of the best ways to distract your mind, it obviously makes you forget about your stresses for a while.

There are various types of literature books to read, and when you read them, you are picked up and dropped into an imaginary world where the problems get solved without you putting in any effort.

A study by the University of Sussex, published in The Telegraph, shows that reading lowers stress levels by 68 percent, a number higher than what is achieved through drinking tea or listening to music.

Read books as an active meditation, where you reach a meditative state, a state of pure bliss through the activity of reading.

2. A Workout for your Brain

Like all other muscles in the body, the brain, too, needs exercise to function better. Reading serves as a much-needed enjoyable workout.

Reading offers a greater neurological challenge than talking or processing visuals. When we read, the parts of our brain that deal with vision, language, and associative learning, are required to form a circuit. As a result, the brain gets a nice and fulfilling workout sesh!

Moreover, according to research, people who read books are less likely to develop brain illnesses due to less activity. This means reading is not only beneficial to you now, but also in the future.

read positive literature

3. Bedtime Stories for adults for greater imagination

Reading books before bed works as a stimulus to your creativity. It broadens your mind by presenting a variety of perspectives to look at and absorb. 

Research suggests that reading bedtime stories for adults increases our vocabulary, general knowledge about the world, and our ability to communicate and reason; all of these are enhanced by reading.

Reading out to children or a sleeping story before sleep greatly impacts them. Children learn 50 percent more words from books than they do from television.

4. Increases Empathy

The ability to understand someone else, or something else even, and sharing their feelings with them, reading gives you this superpower called empathy.

What better approach to be more empathic than to read books that are written from the perspective of another person or the perspective of numerous characters that inhabit this other person’s head?

This means reading books increases not only your IQ but also your EQ. Snuggling up with a book before calling it a day makes you kinder and emotionally intelligent.

5. Aids Deep Sleep

When you feel calm and peaceful inside, you will sleep better.

Reading books helps us feel more positive, gives us reasons to smile and be happy, and improves the quality of our sleep.

Read positive literature

6. Heals the Body and the Mind

In a world where every third person is battling an illness of some kind, either associated with the body or the mind (or worse, both!), reading comes as a healer.

Let us look at anxiety, for instance. It is basically about being stuck with a feeling, in this case, a negative one. By reading, you move your attention from this negative feeling to a positive one that the book supplies you with. Do you notice the shift in emotions? Over a period of time, reading lowers your anxiety hugely.

7. It Makes us an Optimist

The best way to start seeing the glass half full, or maybe even overflowing with hope and love, is to become a book lover.

When reading, we always look forward to what will happen next while thoroughly enjoying what’s happening now. Imagine looking at life the same way! We would soon be bidding adieu to our miseries and constant worries.

This Book Lovers Day, snuggle up with some positive literature. Make it a habit to read something light-hearted and happy every night before hitting the bed, and within a month of doing this, you will experience better sleep quality and fresher mornings. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1 What are the benefits of reading books?

Reading books has many benefits; it exercises the brain, helps to improve focus and concentration, increases general knowledge, reduces stress, is a type of entertainment, and helps get better sleep.

2 How do I get inspired to create short bedtime stories for adults?

Listen to conversations intently, create a character sketch of strangers on the road, keep your ears and eyes open for possible experiences, go to places you don’t often visit, keep a journal handy, read lots of books, and ask questions.

3 Do you listen to sleep stories before you go to sleep?

Yes. Sleep stories help to fall asleep and are a shortcut to good dreams. When you hear stories, instead of words, a picture of the words is formed in your mind. The dreams are most intense during REM and are in pictures. Switching on the imagination of the brain before sleep prepares you for better sleep. 

4 Which are must-read novels for a book lover?

Harry Potter, The Alchemic, Sydney Sheldon, Gone with the wind, and Pride and Prejudice are must-read novels for a book lover. 

5 What are the best books of all time?

Man’s search for Meaning by Victor Frankl, The Fault in our stars by John Green, The adventures of Huckle Berry Finn by Mark Twain, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller are some of the best all-time books.  

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